Welcome to Dolly's Christmas Tea......... The table is set, the tree is lit and
everyone is here!
Please join us for a cup................................................................
Sugar, or lemon? We are serving Rose Petal Tea, Dolly's favorite.................
Pinkie Polka Dot is pouring, please don't spill.......................................
Even the Wedding Party is here and her sweet little flower girl..................
So glad you all join us, we wouldn't start with out you.............................
We want to thank you for coming and sharing a little Christmas Sprirt, tea to
warm your heart and join us again for some more Storybook adventures with
Nancy Anne and sweethearts so dear..............................................
Happy Holidays to you from Pinkpomegranates and Dolly's Friends
When I got these Nancy Annes they look very neglected, they are from the 1930's and 40's, so they are 60
something years old. I really enjoyed restoring them, laundering and mending their darling little dresses.
Making some new dresses and bonnets, replaced the ribbons and flowers. I did this with my mom and sister
sitting by the fireside visiting, stitching and ironing, we had our own party of sorts.......... It was great
to see them already and pretty for their debut at very special Christmas Tea and of course what would Pinkpomegranates be without a Pink! Tree...........................................................................